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git branching rocks

Why Git Rocks

Today, I’m 4 hours into a feature ‘myfeat’ for the current iteration when “the phone rings” (skype). PM has a customer reporting an issue on latest production code.

git stash
git checkout production

Now I’m looking at the production codez, can run and repro the issue. Create a topic branch off of production to hold my fix (so I can merge into both production and master):

git checkout -b myfix

Now I write a failing test for the feature (TDD!). Fix the code and confirm the test passes. Time to make this available for deploy.

git checkout production
git merge myfix 
git push origin production

Now merge hotfix back into master branch.

git checkout master
git merge myfix # master branch now all happy with hotfix

# run tests again before push since master != production
git put origin master 

git checkout myfeat
git stash apply # get my stashed changes back

back to work. As my friend Arthur would say ‘mo-ney’

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